+Grant Consultancy

Successful fundraising


Grant Consultancy

Fundraising is almost like top sportThe difference between winning and losing is often hidden into the details. Through years of experience, Funding Support has developed a sharp eye for these details. Therefore we know how to make a difference. We’d love to dedicate this quality to your success.  

  • Funding Support assesses your project proposals and funding applications before they are submitted. We assure that your application meets the objectives of the grant scheme and advise you how to improve the application. This service of Funding Support may just make the difference between success and failure. Do not let this opportunity pass you by! 
  • Funding Support assesses the quality of your project administration, especially for larger projects. We assess where your project deviates from the granting rules and advise you how to improve it.  
  • Funding Support assesses interim and final reports before sending it to the subsidizer. We show you how these reports can be improved, so that you may prevent problems with your project subsidizer at the end of the project, when you need to account for the funds spent on the project. 

Receiving grants